Thursday, May 24, 2007

Move it! Move it!

"Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet."

Read this from Joon Lang’s email the other day and this phase really captured my attention.

We are at times very silly ler.. Dun you think so? We ask for this we ask for that but then we are not willing to suffer for it? Expect other ppl to suffer for the blessings we want for ourselves.

Eg: Lord bless me financially! (yet you expect to do everything the same and get an increase in you allowances.)
Lord give me good health! (yet you drink, smoke and take drugs.)

We request for God to move and yet we do all things the same? We sometimes even promise God that we would change (so bless us first) but never did so even after God answered our prayer. Why did God even put up with us? Alamak.. Thank God we are not God.. coz when we put ourselves in His shoe.. We dun want to forgive ourselves!.. Human beings are so… so… disappointing! Susah susah sakit kepala..

Some of us even pray for blessing and increase in Faith yet do not want to go through it ourselves. How can we experience God like that? Would you ask your mom to prepare orange juice and then ur brother drink it and you can say “oh the orange is sweet lar!”. Even if you can say it because your brother testify to it, how would you really know how sweet is sweet? What does it taste like? Is it different from the sweetness from an apple? How sweet is sweet??? YOU DUN KNOW..

So experience it yourself.

God is so gracious and full of love. We can’t imagine how much He put up with our stubbornness and spoiled attitude. He is so patient and full of mercy we can’t imagine! We always disappoint him and yet He still embraced us with arms open wide and with a heart full of love.

So don’t take things for granted! When we ask for God’s guidance, move it!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

How much we owe Him?

How much do you think we owe our parents? A lot? How much is a lot? Too much..

So how much do you think we owe God? Too much! Infinity! Yet many feel that we don’t owe God anything…

According to Luke 7:40-50, a person who owe God the most would have the highest gratitude. So how much you think you owe God?

Are there people that owe God less? How about those who do all things in righteousness and in the name of the Lord? So does it mean those people like Rev, Pastors or leaders of the church owe God less? What do you think? Do you think the Pharisee owe God less?

We all owe God, no matter how big or small you think we owe God, we all owe God. It’s the gratitude of our hearts that makes the difference. If you think you owe God nothing, think again. You owe every good deed to him. Every good name that you have gain from doing well and right we owe it to Him because He was the one who taught us to be good and what is good in the first place. All the love we were able to give and receive is also from God, and should we not thank Him for all the greatness from his love? We wouldn’t understand the dept of the word “love” if were not of his death on the cross for us sinners.

Every sunny and rainy mornings that we woke up with; every breeze that blew upon our face; every beauty that was created for us; every good thing that ever happened to us; every wonder that occurred; we owe it to God.

If you have no problem or troubles in life, no request or prayer or need to ask, no fear no insecurity no doubts no worries. Everything is well, good and dandy. Everything is ok, not too bad, just like every other day. Every day is full, packed, fun and cool. We all owe God all the good things in life.

So give thanks today for His goodness and His forgiveness. We all need to.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Profound expression...

I’m sure you have recently watched Spiderman right? Some say it’s a good one some say its not.. but to me Spiderman’s last word to sandman was very profound. Do you remember what he said?

“I forgive you.”

It’s really an awesome feeling to be forgiven. And to forgive someone, is even better. Many people in the world don’t know that all of us need to hear those words. Either from our love ones, family, friends even sometimes enemies. We need to hear those words being spoken to us.

There are so many regrets in our lives that we never realize how much we yearn to be forgiven. Mistakes and silly decisions we made perhaps long time ago or even recently. The guilt will always be there, haunting us while we make every single step in our lives.

To forgive someone is even more precious and special, as there is a total release from your part. Freedom to move on and live life to it fullest, to look forward to life and not looking back in pain, to see what the future holds and not tramped in the past. That is what forgiving is all about… Freedom.

So no matter we are the one uttering these words or the one receiving them, we are all blessed. So what are you waiting for? Tell someone you forgive them, they need to know as much as you need to know.

Imagine God, who we owe our very lives to, whisper these words to you… “ I forgive you.. no matter what… I forgive you…” well.. imagine no more… Coz He died for you on the cross and forgave you.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Some Encouragements

Dear CPY and YCA,
We will have a visitor this sunday result from the comic distribution. She is from Sarawak and she is a college student. She will be studying here for 3 years but she is searching for a church and hope we will be able to help her fit in.
Good job everyone. I'm sure more is to come from our labour :)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

You show me love. Part II

Do you appreciate the one you love? Do you tell that person how much she means to you? What have you done lately that made her proud of you? You know who I'm talking bout, your mom! of course :)

I remember the first time on Sunday i heard ppel talked about Mothers' day. I was very curious and wanted to know more about it. My sunday school teacher told me tt it a day for Children to show special appreciation to their mom on that sunday. (second sunday of May) So i went home thinking about what to do for my mom on that special sunday.

I tot about making her breakfast but i dunno how? i could burn the whole house down just trying to fry en egg... (hei! i was just a kid k... dunno how to operate the stove yet...) so, i clean the house on that special Sunday and gave her my hand made card from Sunday School :) It put a huge smile on my mom's face, (even though she never kept my card.. sigh..) she loved my effort and she noticed the house was so much cleaner on that day!.. (no womder i love to clean...)

My first gift for my mom was a small mirror. (its not to ask my mom please look at the mirror coz you look ugly.. my mom is very pretty k.. even though i'm not... hahaha) Her small mirror in her car was broken and i tot of giving her something useful. Small, isn't worst anything but useful and its really the tot that counts. Who would have remembered a small mirror but me :)

It feels good to appreciate your mom like that doesn't it?? It makes her feel good and it makes you feel good too. So, why don't we do that everyday? How? One thing we can do is to live our life right. Make her proud of you not just becuase of your achievements but becuase you care, becuase you are kind, becuase you are full of her love. That's why you have grown into the person that you are now.

I know i know some mothers have high expectation and sometimes its really unreasonable. Its ok, no one is prefect right? :) but know that even if our mom is a nag, they are still our mother and we should always respect them. That's one of God's commandments!

So how to make a difficult mom happy? pray for them so that they can be happy and so that they can find true joy. Pray also that you will understand why she is so difficult to get a long with. You'll never know, you may find something beautiful. Like the truth, understanding and love...

Do you really know Jesus?

Do you know who Jesus is? Who He is to you? what He means to you? really?

If you can't answer the question above with conviction and not just head knowledge then we need to really think about this important question, don't we?

Does he change my life? Does His death means anything to me? Does His love means anything to me? Is it just another story character from the story book called " The Holy Bible"? Does He existance made a difference in my life? Does His blessing really have blessed me? Do I really know this person called Jesus?

Think about it? If you get the right answer, your life could be complete. Completely changed!
Don't belive me? Ask Nic :P

Remembering the little ones

We had a special speaker visiting us today. His name is Dr. Benjamin George. He does a lot of ministry in our society and he has a clinic in KL. He spoke of little children today, the young people. How wonderful that they have Chrst as thier Lord and savior. They could have their whole life with Jesus, if they stay close with Him. But becuase some have gone astray and into the world, they missed God's presence and love.

These young ones are in danger because of worldly influences that could lead them away from Christ, if they are not careful they are easily traped and deceived. Jesus loves little ones.. no matter how old you think you have grown, no matter how mature you think you are, no matter how much you have achieved. You will always loved by Jesus as His own children, like a little child.

Activities doesn't make you grow spiritually, it only helps you see God's work through you, you can see how God blesses you and others, to know that He is there for you in yout time of needs, but it doesn't make your relationship grow deeper with God, with Jesus.

So what does? How do we grow deeper spiritually?

We need to spend time with Jesus ALONE.... Just you and Jesus. no music, no books, no food.. nothing.. Just you and Jesus, through prayer and just listen closely.. listen intensely.. expecting something awesome, wonderful and personal from Jesus alone.. anyday, everyday...

My friends, its good to know that Jesus still loves me as if i was a child, becuase only in child like form i could come to God. Only with child like faith i could remember i have nothing but Him. Only with child like faith I realize I cannot do anything unless He comes and help me. Only with child like faith I know that I am no one, a nobody, until He said "I am your Father, and you are mine."

Like a child calling out for his father to help him, the same way we can call out to God. He is not distant, He is very close by. He was never absents from you, He is always there beside you. God does not have hearing problem, He hears your prayers, every single word of it (even the grammer mistakes). He never misunderstood you, He knows the very hair on your head.

My friends, someone really loves you and His name is Messiah, Emanual, Jesus.

Mark 10:13 One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch them and bless them, but the disciples told them not to bother him.

Mark 10:14
But when Jesus saw what was happening, he was very displeased with his disciples. He said to them, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

Mark 10:15 I assure you, anyone who doesn't have their kind of faith will never get into the Kingdom of God."

Mark 10:16
Then he took the children into his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

For the past few days

Was so busy even though i got 2 days holiday :)
1st May: Went to the youth gathering with Abigail! Held in PJ, it was really good. It challenge me to kneel down and pray... in fromt of my office door.. and i did it!! Just today!!! I am am so excited that I am expecting God to do great things in my office :)
It was actually a challege given by Tom (the special Speaker) to the young generation. He sae an awesome vision!! He saw Fireballs from Heaven fall upon the children of the world.. but to the younger ones like from pre-teen and below and the fire ball exploded!!! KABBOOMM!!!
Fire Balls fell from heaven to the Youth also, but some how the fire went out even b4 they reach the youth.. but He also saw that some fireballs fell on some youth and that the fireball exploded and tranfered to other youth and it became HUGE Explosion!!
He mention that Faith must go with Desperation and with desperation, action. Faith without Action is DEAD!! So i am so challedged by this. Hope you are too!! During the talk, He played an audia of a child (about 7 to 9 years old) praying.
It was so INTENSED, i can't believe its only coming from a child.. the pray about the one they don't know to not going to Hell (yes they use the word Hell.), they pray and cry with such conviction and compassion to people of the world!! they pray about little children to be saved and help those who are in morning! As i listen to her praying, I suddenly want that kind of prayer... i want that kind of intensity, passion for God and compassion for the people.
Its an awesome challege...