Sunday, March 16, 2008

"Not One Less"

I just watched a movie, a China made movie. It was really remarkable and it is based on a true story on how a teacher spent days out in the city looking for her student.
The story goes like this, the teacher (as i see her she is no more then 15 to 16 year old child) is a primary school teacher in a small village. As she taught in the school one of her student ran off to the city becuase his family owe ppl money and so they cannot pay for the school fee.
As he was in the city, he have to beg for food.. he was there for about 3 to 4 days... right after he went missing, his teacher went out into the city to serach for him.. She look high and low and many, i mean many ppl treated her badly, ignoring her and mistreat her as she looks very "kampung", dirty and of course poor...
She went seaching for 3 days!! On the third day she went to see a headmaster in a school and becuase she did not have an IC, she cannot enter the school compound and the "guard" refuse entry becuase they stick to the rules. then the Headmaster hear of this young girl who waited almost whole day outside the school asking "Are you the headmaster?" to everyone that comes along.. the Headmaster was very up set with the guards and went out to see her personally. He suggested she goes for a talk show so her news can be spread faster and more ppl will help find the young boy.
As she was trying to explain to the "camera" why she came here and how the schools in the village is lacking, she was nervous and dunno what to say.. but when she was asked to say something to the little boy that went missing, with tears in her eyes and cheeks this is what she said, "Where have you gone to? I have been looking for you for 3 days? Please come back to us...."
Her words touched my heart, China's children are deprived from many opportunity to get education because of poverty. After this incident, many have donated money and gifts to the village so that the children in that village could study. The little boys' family debts was also paid off by the giving of the ppl who have compassion for them.
When i look at the young teacher, i imagine that would be how Jesus would look for us when we are lost.. Especially those that He has already choosen. The eagerness, intensity and determination is so strong and fill with compassion. Its so heart breaking to see the tears from a person that was seraching and yearning for the lost ones... but she would not leave anyone behind in her school, not one less.....

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