Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Meet my uncle and Auntie from Sabah..

My Uncle John and Auntie Jane from Sabah... LOL... My own father have never fed my children before.. and here my uncle is happily doing so for Melissa.. Both of them really love children i guess.. Looking at them gazing at Melissa melts my heart.. reminds me of the time when I was little and they looked at me with such loving gaze... :')
My Uncle John is really a loving person.. kind and caring.. Even Nigel can see how wonderful my uncle is.. and my auntie Jane always keeps him honest and true.. reminding him to be on the right path and encourage him that there is a God watching~~ akekeeke... They are just so down to earth... No uncle in my family dares to scold me coz they don't have the right too, to be honest! But my Uncle John does... when he scold, i listen :P I had too! I respect him too much..

I love this two people.. They mean a lot to me.. why? because when I was very young and my father wasn't around to love and care for me.. They would take time and bring me out once a while and care for my well being.. I always looked forward to meet them during the weekends! :D I was just hmm... kidergarden to primary school of age? I think??

Sometimes after church or when they picked me up in the morning (sat) we'll go to have breakfast at Pasar Tuaran.. we have long chats and at that time.. they were still a couple.. and the things they talked about are really funny and sweet... ahahaha... u know lar.. lovers mar...

I think among all the uncles that i have.. I respect my uncle John the most.. Even Nigel thinks he is really respectable and honorable.. he is kind, stern, caring at the same time loving. He loves my Auntie Jane very much.. a lot of people especially among the Bumiputra ppl may say he is scared of his wife but to me.. it is something they will never learn and never understand how important it is to any family and relationship to have tt loving fear... It is fear, but not the type that harms one's freedom.. it is fear that someone he loves dearly will be hurt, feel sad or feel disappointed.. that kind of fear is out of love.. it is out of strength and not timidity... It takes a lot to do what he has done for his wife and his family.. Haih.. many bumiputra men will never understand how noble his action is..

I pray that God will grant him not only long life but also happy, joyful and full of loving memories throughout his life.. That his children and his childrens' children will call him blessed. May his life shine the light of Jesus in his words and action.. may he brings honor to his family and all his generation to come.. Bless him Jesus and make him one of the happiest ppl in the world.. :) Give him n Auntie Jane long life and good wealth.. bless all thier children with respect, honor and wisdom in the Lord.. in Jesus name, amen...

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