Monday, December 11, 2017


It's like once every big change I update my blog LOL.. 

No one reads blogs I guess these days? But it's ok.. I just like to share my thoughts randomly.. No need for anyone to care much about it.. Coz since I always talks to myself, out loud sometimes, might as well I share it for, what I hope, would benefit someone else in the future.. I am still young and crazy so why not right? 

So, today I wanna start sharing #thingsIlearn everyday.. Not sure if I can keep this up coz even a photo a day I can't do it so perhaps I will limit it to #WhatIlearnweekly for 2018...  actually learn a lot weekly and sometimes in 1 week, I learn about a few things at a time and sometimes a few things in a day or even during a short event! 

So let me start with today's #whatIlearnthisweek to start the ball rolling.. I learn about this sets of great interview questions to ask candidates during an interview session.. My HR friend said that Malaysians are not ready yet for these questions but I think it's no harm to use it to gauge the candidate's real character. I read it and listen from the source links shown.(Source:  &

From my most fav: 
1) If you die, what do you want written on your tombstone? 
I think this is a great question to ask because it shows a person what he/she wants to really achieve in the end of the day. it can be short, or brief or even long with some creativity.. I though about this before and my answer may be too vague but if you are reading this, share what is your message on your tombstone one day... (I will share mine in a later post..)

2) What is the biggest mis-perception people have about you? 
I love this question because it allows once to really think about themselves and see if they knew their standing and how others perceive them in public.. For me, the biggest mis-perception others have about me is that "Susana is too kind or too nice to lead or be a leader." I think in this era and time, a leader with empathy wins over any leader with authority.. in the pass we always talks about having authority, having the status, having the right "controlling power" they have among their people.. I believe, leaders are influences, we feel, we understands and we do our best to work together with our team not to manipulate them but to help them grow,be better and achieve what they want to achieve in life. (some people may argue that this is called manipulation, I say it all depends on your intentions and that is between you and God.) *Always remember that 20% of the ppl you talk to will always disagree with you, so don't take everything too personally.. (Note to self.)

3) Tell me something that's true, that almost nobody agrees with you on. 
This is sooooo subjective.. How do one explain a truth that is not accepted by everyone else? LOL I thought I have this question in the bag but I will share my answer to this question should someone ask me about it.. "I love Exams." then everyone else will say the opposite.. hahaha they will disagree with the feeling I have associated with exams.. which to me is the truth, I love exams and no one else can tell me otherwise.. in which I will explain honestly (some of my close friends will know this..), not that I am a show off and not that I do sooooo well in all my exams, BUT I like to evaluate myself through the exam.. lemme ask you something, when you put in hard work, sacrificed time to improve and find ways to be better, don't you wanna know how effective your methods, strategy and implementation affects your results? Well I do! That is why I love it! I love it when exam comes, so I see how much I have learnt, which method I use in studying/learning helped improved my results, how much I know about the subjects etc... I love exams. Full Stop.  

So, there are other questions HR personnel may wanna ask or some really good questions you may want to think about it yourselves.. Do go over and read the rest on your own and share what you think? 

My quote for the day? "There's something to learn everyday." 

See you again soon! xoxo

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