Sunday, August 26, 2007

Why ah??

Why we shouldn't skip church meetings or CG meetings?

Would like to ask.. would you consider skipping school a good practice or a bad one?

Of course you would say a bad one lar.. Don't kid yourself by saying other wise. You wouldn't advise your children to skip school for no apparent reason.

So why we can skip church? We go to school to learn and develop our brain, so we may learn how to think logically and practically. We go to Church to learn to live, to learn to listen and understand the word of God. So i ask you, which one is more important? To think or to live? Both??? good.. then why is skipping church because of some unreasonable reason should be reasonable? Lazy lar, cannot wake up on time lar, too tired lar.. A school would expel you for giving such excuses..

We study 5 days a week!! Monday to Friday.. and church service is only Sunday, do the maths.. We burn the mid night oil (just to pass an exam.).. but its so hard to spend just 5 min of our time to pray and read the word of God.. We learn Mathematics and Physics but we do not know how to handle relationships... So, I ask you.. Why is skipping school is unacceptable but skipping church is??

To the ones that is smart and capable in many ways, do you even know why you are so gifted? What can you do with all those gifts?? If you know God enough, you will know the answer, for those who doesn't.. please find out and how to do that?


"The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The word I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life." ~ John 6:63~

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