You gotta believe it to receive it! :) Someone loves you! Really really loves you!Would you love back?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Drink more water...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. ~Proverbs 4:23~
A heart filled with love forgives a multitude of sins...
A heart that is joyful is always greateful for everything that comes its way...
A heart of peace are able to rest and sleep well at night...
A heart that is pure and gentle always speaks words of truth and encouragement...
A heart that is filled with goodness always give others another chance..
A heart that is faithful always finds the fruit of his labour sweet...
A heart that is kind is always thoughful and understanding...
A heart that is patient is always filled with hope and opportunities..
A heart with self-control is always determined, firm and wise...
So why harden your hearts? Don't harden it... rather~~ protect it.. guard it well and you shall live life differently...
Jesus loves you.... never doubth that... ever....
Monday, March 16, 2009
Do everything in love... 1 Corinthians 16:14
We call it love... and God is love.. So do everything in love, despite the circumstances we are in..
Do it all in love, do it for a higher purpose...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I love....
I love my mom, my family in Sabah...
I love my brother and his family in Putrajaya...
I love my in laws, who are in JB and parts of the world...
I love my cg, they are encouraging...
I love my friends, so many i dunno who to start with...
I love my leaders, they are wise and understanding...
I love my church, they are a caring bunch...
I love my ministry, it gives me opportunity to show my love...
I love my pet doggies, they are always there ready for me to hug and cuddle...
I love Jesus, beause he loves me and He is the reason for my existance..
Friday, March 13, 2009

Swicting off your lights for one hour.. that is how we can vote for earth and not global warming...
I think if we are at home then we can do it together.. but if some of us are out... well, it save energy too I suppose :D
Friday, March 6, 2009
Back to life... back to reality...
Going back to Sabah again tomorrow.. cleaning up and organizing my mother's belongings in her old flat. We are not going to sell the place coz then we can keep her things there for us and our children to remember her by... I really wished that our children had a chance to really get to know her.. They would have loved her to bits..
When life is hard like this, I really want this world to just come to an end.. Jesus to return and there will be a new Heaven and new Earth.. I wonder the people that lived in the war zone would they have had the same thought?? May be they want to live more.. because they have not seen the best of the world yet and looking forward to the future where there will be no war...
If i were in the war zone, i will be so eager waiting for Jesus to come soon.. coz i will really really want everything to end... have a conclusion and have a new start.. I some how feel like that now.. but am I really ready for Jesus to come?? i think i am but I wouldn't want to be over confidence coz i am human and i do sin... I just hope God continues to tell me my sin so I may confess it and repent asap.
What a farrrr sighted thought ei? ahahaha ya.. i think too much.. so bite me! :P
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Stay Focus..
I need to refocus my mind on things that matters most right now..
Need to prioritize properly. I hope no one will judge me if I say no to certain things/ certain activities... I remember a prophecy that was giving to my a few years ago.. The prophet mentioned that I will be very busy with activities because ppl see something that they want from me and I have to say no to some of the request but yes to the genuine ones...
I think now is the time to do so... but honestly i feel when i say no to certain things, especially in church ministry, ppl tend to judge me.. not just me lar.. many ppl also kena judge.. It's like your activities in the church defines your spiritual maturity... does it??
I know serving is what God want us to do... but i dun think it defines our spiritual maturity....
I really should reconsider my role in my beloved church... i really want to fulfill all the roles but to whose expense?? my family???? I do not want to be like King David.. a great and wonderful leader but a lousy father... (some more he got so many kids...)
Honestly, anyone you know that is so active in the church (wordship leader, youth leader, cg member), work full time and a mother & wife who are coping well?? I mean really well?? I need to speak with her and see how she manage it... I am currently in all this position and i give it my all to all the responsibilities... I am so grateful for having a wonderful husband like Nigel who understands my needs and have always protected me from being 'over loaded" with stuffs... but i still can't help it...
If I have a choice, i will drop Worship leading... but there is only 3 worship leaders (including me) right now... how to drop like tt?? Youth ministry has always been my primary ministry.. no matter what, it is my calling. CG... i need my buddies to pray and know me better than anyone else.. work.. of course i need to work to support my family... (tyring to do something else though) and being a mom and wife who does the house work and keep the family healthy.
Lord.. let me stay focus... on You.. On Your kingdom... and not my problems...