Friday, April 16, 2010

Old Love put into action..

.. and i'm not talking about and Ex-boyfriend or an old falme ok.. duh!! I'm talking about doing something i actually love :D

I love making crafts and I love stationeries (papers, notebooks, writting pads, notepads, books, pens etc..).. Was my hobby to collect these things and even make things out of things.. LOL..

Now I can put my hobby to good use :D becuase I'm good at pickiung up good, cute, sweet and special stuffs... I think I can share it with others who are also interested in it :D Those who also appreciate it and young at heart :D SO many of us out there..

I do believe there are many others out there who are kindered spirited and love the things that I love...
So if you are interested to look at what I've got to offer.. add me on facebook or username, SuniMag

My is still under construction so.. gimme sometime to improve it ya? :D
Ta for now...

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