Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Little princess..

My tummy is growing well.. or rather my little princess IN my tummy is growing well :D

We went for my monthly check up few days ago and checking in to see how's my princess is doing.. She is fine but we were trying to get a picture of her face, she shy away by covering her face with her hands.. ahaha..

We took one photo that could see some of her features.. It was the first image that we took on tt day BEFORE she covered her face :D I think the ultrasound will show some light and because it could be too bright for her, she cover her face lor.. (or her eyes lar)..

Two months ago we could not see the cheeks as she was still very thin.. but this time, she got chubby cheeks :D looked a bit like Alexander's chubby cheeks lor.. Even my boss, Peony, that came down from HK say tt ahahaha.. I certainly agree... What do you think??

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