Friday, August 5, 2011

Thumb sucking is not so bad after all...

wow.. this is what I've learnt today!

Cathy: Thumb sucking is important for self-regulation & is recommended by experts such as Dr Brazelton (well-reknown Paediatrician). Its rare for a child to continue sucking past toddlerhood, and, according to what I've read, as long as they stop by age 5, it shouldn't impact on teeth development. Although its easier for us to wean them off their soother (pacifier), its better for them to learn to regulate their own emotions themselves whenever possible.

I really didn't know that! Now i know why some ppl actually thinks that it is good for my son and daughter actual suck their thumb or finger rather then having a pacifier.... huh? go figure eh? ahaha but then again.. it is easier to get rid of a pacifier than the thumb/fingers.. :P

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