Friday, January 25, 2013

New year resolutions?? How are we keeping it?

How are you keeping up with your new year's resolutions?? Doing it positively perfect? or can be better? I am sure most of us are in the later category hehehehe.. including me!!

I have improve on somethings on my list like spend less, be on time, be more organized and wake up earlier..  Like I said.. can be better LOL!!! I shall continue to work on these areas and keep a good and healthy schedule.. This year our church is entering into the year of God's Jubilee and I am still trying to soak into the vision.. To rejoice (always), to rest (learning), to release (asking), to restore (please do) and to renew (new me new me!!!)  XD very exciting hor..

As I am preparing for tomorrow's CPY studies.. the Holy Spirit is asking me to do something extra to help the youths.. (i may post this later so it may seem out dated for some of you youth reading this.. LOL).. pretty relevant and significant i guess? I don't know.. even in the beginning of  2013, first month.. many of us are challenged by so many things.. being discouraged left right center top and bottom.. almost to the end of no hope.. scary and depressing..

I will say it again and again that it is expected.. especially those of you who are starting to work, not always because of work.. it's just the season where your eyes & ears sees & hear so many discouragement of the world.. which again I am telling you that this is real and it is painful.. to know the truth about the world.. the world that we, the adults or parents try so hard to protect you from.. the evil, the devious, the cruel, the incurable sickness, the unforgiving world.. Suddenly you realized that the world is full of shattered dreams and broken souls.. people with problems that we never knew.. suffering and inhumanity everywhere.. depressing world we live in..

Some of us, when we were young, keep thinking that our parents is over protective.. don't let us do this or that etc.. you know what I think? If you start to do all the things of the world early.. you may get hooked so badly it is almost impossible for you to climb out of the ditch.. I am not saying that there's no hope, or that Jesus cannot do it.. of course I believe He can if you allow Him to work in you and through you.. anything is possible but what I am saying is that, it breaks our heart to see you go through it.. trust me.. I am a mom and an older women who have known ppl who went through that kind of life and my heart aches every time they dig that ditch, getting themselves deeper and deeper into the world.. be it family or friends..

Sometime when I pray or talk to my toddlers.. I will whisper to them, "Never break mommy's heart ok?" and they will reply softly, "Ok".. :') I believe God is also asking us the same.. "Don't break my heart." of course we have sinned, we have done many wrongs, we have made mistakes and deserve nothing.. but God is always ready to wipe us clean and start again.. always.. So if you are far away from God and knowing that something is missing in your life, don't wait too long to make the decision to come back to Jesus.. Life is short to live a life without God.. and if you think you are living a life where God doesn't approve of.. then I urge and challenge you to take that step of faith (again)!! Commit your life to Him again and live right.. it's not worth living a life without God.. it's not going to be easy.. but it's going to be worth it!!!  

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