You gotta believe it to receive it! :) Someone loves you! Really really loves you!Would you love back?
Friday, September 13, 2013
老農民3句話 培養優秀的孩子!
老農民3句話 培養優秀的孩子!
第一句話:「寶貝,你 好好學習就行了,其他的事情爸爸媽媽來辦!」
Copied from FB someone called Leon Teo..
第一句話:「寶貝,你 好好學習就行了,其他的事情爸爸媽媽來辦!」
Copied from FB someone called Leon Teo..
Friday, September 6, 2013
Kids... Gotta love them and discipline them...
Do you know wht it feels like to give birth to a baby? I feel, finally I have the right to own this child.. Why? Coz throughout my pregnancy, I really do feel out of control, I mean I can do all sort of right things to make sure my baby is safe, healthy n protected but in actual fact, I hv no control at all! Wht happens in my womb I believe it's up to God to keep n protect.. As my baby grows in me, will I ever know how he would really turned out to be? Even the best and most modern tools and experiments cannot tell us for sure how my baby will turned out to be.. It can only, more or less, indicate your baby is normal, healthy or in danger... Really out of anyone's control..
So when I gave birth ah, Wah!!!!! The pain was so scruciating I almost fainted! I very much hate being in pain!! Hate hate hate!!! Thus, after all the trouble, pain n agony giving birth to this precious baby, FINALLY I feel the sense of ownership and responsibility that I never had before. I am committed bringing up my babies (yes, I have more than 1 baby) to the best that I could.
And I know every mommies n daddies out there right now are doing their very best even though they feel they lack much wisdom bringing up their own children.. But rest assured that you are not alone and that you will do what is right for your children despite the inability that we posses.. Coz we love them, more than we know it, we love our children.. And no matter how others judge you and comment about your inadequacy ( yes ok, they meant well but to us it really doesn't seem like you really trying to help.) Hang in there!!! I know we go crazy sometimes with screaming children running around the house, the crying, the constant nagging of questions, wanting this and that and this and that!!! Drives us nuts!
It is the bad times and the worst times that really make us appreciate the once a while, and ever so precious, good times.. When our children are asleep and we see our adorable little busy bees lay themselves to sleep in the still quiet night.. When they splash and laught while taking a bath, run and play in the fields, holding your hand while crossing the quiet streets, showing you the first snail they see on the flowers, holding you tight when the thunders roar... Just to name some of the very sweet moments we could share with our children.. It's really worth it..
Anyway, I am trying to make a point to not pass judgement on children who hv bad behaviour, coz I know they parents is doing their best.. I think we are allowed to hv our own opinions but we don't have the right to judge.. Let's support each other by not comparing our children, by respecting each others way of loving a child, by not passing judgement, by showing care, speak in kindness and act in grace.
I am going to make a point today. To stop judging but start sharing encouragement n kindness. Nevertheless, if I see children is being disrespectful, having no manners and is out of control, I will step in. And I hope you, my friends, will not think that I am judging you or think you are not a good parent.. I know we are all good parents, giving our best.. And by me reprimanding them is my one way to support u, to lighten your burden to discipline them, so you don't need to always be the 'bad guy', and that wht you Asked them to do is wht other adults expects of them as well and not just because you said so.. Don't get up set when someone discipline your child for you out of love.. Of course if that person don't have a good relationship with you it's easy to see that they are not doing it out of love lar so I only reprimand the children of close friends..
Yummy moon cake
Moon cake festival is near!!! Yay!!! I love to eat moon cakes.. Not a lot of it but just a few bite would be nice...
Went to leisure mall the other day and they hv some lantern decor.. Nice n creative.. Some very funny.. Got minions lanterns also lol silly..
Then I got 2 moon cake for my family n I.. 1 with white lotus single egg yoke and another normal lotus with double egg yoke.. I haven't tried it yet!!! I hope the yoke is nice n juicy.. I dun like the dry one.. Not nice when it's too dry..
I always buy Tai Thong Moon cakes I dunno why.. I think because they sell the more traditional type of moon cakes? I dun like the newer version where they have dragon fruit, durian, chocolate, coffee flavours etc.. I find it weird.. I tried chocolate before and didn't like it.. Dun think I would wanna try something new and as expensive as it is...
Anyway, enjoy the festival my friends!!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013
Creative and talented!!!
This is a drawing by my boss!!! Wah!!!! Geng ler!! When I asked him if I can have it, he showed me a funny face and said, "if you really want it?" Abuden? Of course I want lar if not I wouldn't have asked??? Dur... Hahahaha.. He some more say may be can sell for a few thousand and he could even sign it for me LoL!!! I know he was teasing me lar... To him is junk and why would anyone want junk.. But to me it's really a wonderful painting!!
He is also a lefty, anyone out there a lefty!? My son is a lefty.. Wonder does that make them more creative :) my son do love to draw, paint n colour.. Not very good YET.. But he loves it.. :)
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
More time to read n blOg..
I think, I will have more time blog from now on lol.. Why? Coz I will be taking the local transport to work soon! Save money and time coz it's too jam to drive to my new work place!!!
I found this sign on the door and have a kind of mixed feelings about it... As a women, I do feel more safe n comfortable coz I know I dun need to worry about unknown men to sit next to me.. But is this necessary?? Hmmm
KTM, you dun bully me ok? XD
Know our children well and teach them accordingly...
Just witness an argument, not really an argument but rather a Japanese mom explaining furiously to another mom, a european, about her child's (roughly 7 years old) bad behaviour towards her own child, who was having the toy first. (if I am not mistaken)..
My take.. Dun mess with Asian moms LOL!!!! Their kids may seem hopeless but the mother hen is fiercer than a hungry lion!
Made me wonder how should I react when I could be either one of the mother on the opposite side of the table... Hmmm...
Everyone's teaching method is different.some very proactive while some passive but both teaches a hold something.. How to balance? How to teach so our children get the right lesson?
I believe, it depends on our children's ability to access discipline, understanding and information.. Each child is different.. If our kid is selfish, we can teach them to share rather than further enforce that, 'I was playing with the toy first so its mine!!" While on the other hand should our kid is the passive type and always give way, we should enforce to him/her that she can command respect as well, by pointing out that, by right I have the toy first an you can have it later after I am done with it.." It would be out of kindness that I share it with you not obligated.. People should appreciate that and not take it for granted..
Well, that's my opinion lar.. What do you think? :)
I love my shoe!!!!
Don't you? Hahaha ok, you can disagree with me.. It's allowed here.. :p
I got this from Bangkok for only 100bath! Which come up to about RM 10.10? It's comfortable, adorable and hopefully durable as well :D I love it because its really special!! The two side dun match!!! Hahahah cute lar!!! I think this kind of shoe will cost me about RM39.90 at least? Depending where it is sold.. I saw a dress in publika sold for RM 150 where I saw a similar dress in Bk selling for only 400bath.. When will I get to go BK again!!! :p just go and shop with ma girl friends!!
I know shopping is just a temporary happiness. It does not bring eternal value :) but when we share the joy with another friend or two, it becomes something special among friends that shares the same passion..
Just like sharing food!!! Hmmm... Yum yum... Eating sometimes for health but when eating yummy food with friends, it makes eating meaningful..
You know something else that when share with friends it becomes doubly great?! :) wht do you think??
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
I am really grateful to Jesus, my late mother n hubby...
God is really good, if Only i could find the time to just write the blessing I get everyday and share it to the world!! I am really grateful for His goodness..
I am from a very poor back ground where I use to only have my lunch with only rice and salted fish, not by choice. Not very nutrition either, but I never fell it was a bad thing until one day a friend of mine, I was in primary school then, pointed out to me that it must have tasted horrible coz only plain rice n salted fish wor?
Haha I didn't mind, but it did got me thinking of my conditioned then.. Financial really poor with no help from anyone. My mom tried to work 2 jobs a day to hv food on the table.. Went the market on Sundays to sell her flowers and clean for ppl.. She really worked hard and gave her best for us..
With the food on my table now, I give thanks to my God, whom opened the doors of goodness and opportunities to his servants, and to my late mother, who worked hard, tough and firm so Tt I can a life I have now..
.. And to my sweet hubby, who allows me to indulge myself in good food while he dun mind having mixed rise for lunch everyday.. ( I no bully him lar... He really likes mixed rice more than fancy food..)
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Happy birthday Valerie!!!
Haven't been able to find time to up date my blog recently :) it's has been a great month with lots to do.. God has been great to me and my family..
Here's another family whom God has bless currently.. Baby Valerie is 1!!! Hahaha yea.. It was a great photo taking sessions and nice McD kids got 2 new toys too!!! They played at the indoor playground and had yumilicious nuggets..
Doesn't the family look adorable!! Hahaha the cake was not only pretty but it was really nice!!! I love it!!! :d
Hope little Valerie and her family enjoyed the day as much as we did.. And loved the gifts that was showered upon her on her 1 year old birthday :)
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