Saturday, February 5, 2011

In remembrance of my mother.. we miss u~~

Has been keeping your number for two years even though I dun get to call it anymore..
I hope you are looking out for us from heaven with Jesus and that you are finally at peace from the pain of this world..
We are doing great over here.. thanks to your stern discipline and loving hands..
We are a better person, we hope we do u proud, always..
I may not be able to visit your grave every now a then, but I hope when you were still living..
You kown that I've loved you dearly..
Even though you are not here anymore, I think of you often and thank God for having you as my mother..
You are awesome!!! Super great :) i miss you and love you always..


吳祥瑋 said...

Great mum she was...great mum you will be susanna


Mag said...

Thank you Eddie.. that would be an honor..