Saturday, October 25, 2008

I though water retention only make you look fat... but actually.. sometimes it hurts.. :(

When my feet got the first sign of water retention, it hurts very badly.. funny thing is that it happened suddenly!! Like suddenly my feet grew in to Incredible Hulk's feet..

Show u how it looks like

when i press or massage my feet, its really painful... like it's going to explode!!! i feel so heavy and clumsy. i laugh about it lar.. coz it;s really funny looking.. my feet i mean.. it looks like someone else's feet!!!! look at it!!!! man it's so fat!!

then after a few weeks... my hand pulak starts to have water retention.. and the worst thing is tt i feel numb all the time! it is not big but it's pretty painful as i can't really feel with the extra cushion (water) surrounding my hand and fingers. The experience was a bit scary.. first it was the middle finger top digit, then the second finger first digit, then the two fingers with 3 digits, then all the fingers then the whole hand can feel numb!!! i though i was having some weird disease.. Thank God it's just the water retention.. Cannot see any diff mar.. how i know it;'s the water retention wor.. but it is as i noticed my fingers a bit bit fat lar.. :D


Unknown said...

eh... are those Nigel's feet? LOL

Mag said...

No.. it belongs to Incredible Hulk!! ahahaha :P