Saturday, April 11, 2009

Welcome to my life....

Well, all i can think about now is baby Alexander, Nigel getting healthier, Online biz, Individual young ppl in my church, my good frens, my old frens and work....
I still love my doggies :D of course... recently someone complain about them barking when we were not around... disturbed them and their baby... Apologize for that... but they were not like this...
After Alexander came into our lives, we were not able to do many things with Daisy and Minie.. thus i think making them feel a little left out... that's why they bark when we take Alexander out most of the time.. when no one is at home with them... Last time, they don't bark at all, but now.. they are like trying to get other's attention.. well, i guess they got the worng attention and "kena saman"..
Now, either we get them a new home or we get a new house... we prefer to get a new house... we can't seem to part with them just becuase they went through though times with us... we really feel responsible for them and i think we should.. we are not the kind of person that would forget a good deed so easily... we are greateful and will always repay your kindness... and It feels wrong to abandon them (Daisy and Minie) to others... unless i know the person that would take care of them are truly dog lovers...
Please pray for us... we are praying for a new place affordable and landed. Thank you all...

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