He almost always makes me smile.. coz he is so funny and comical! he is a happy boy eventhough we discipline him and teach him the hard way... He is still the happy boy in the house..
You gotta believe it to receive it! :) Someone loves you! Really really loves you!Would you love back?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
My Cheeky Alexander...
He almost always makes me smile.. coz he is so funny and comical! he is a happy boy eventhough we discipline him and teach him the hard way... He is still the happy boy in the house..
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Home made beef nuggets :P
Monday, September 27, 2010
Love being a home maker ;)
...getting to see my little babies (Alexander and Melissa) grow everyday..
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Life is not fair..
Friday, September 24, 2010
What do you do when someone is inconsiderate?
Written so big some more.. let say you cannot read lar.. fine...it's ok.. but look at all the other children and PARENTS, they took off their shoe! Don't you think you allowing your child to go in and play with her shoes on is very rude and inconsiderate? and you also didn't take off your shoes when you walked in either?
I'm sorry if I seem to judge you coz i don't really know you, but based on this issue I see that you are not considerate in this matter (not any other matter, just on this matter.. allowing ur dirty shoe inside the area.. ) It could be dirty already lar.. but try to understand tt this is a public area... everyone is using it and even though it is not super clean, your child needs to take off her shoe if she wants to play there.. right or not?
Do I sound critical? I'm sorry if i've disturb your peace.. I just cannot stand it when people are being unfair, inconsiderate or unreasonable.. especially in public places.. come on lar.. be civic minded a bit can ah? People cut queue also another issue.. I am not rude but if you are not an elderly, i will ask you to go to the back and queue coz everyone here is queuing up..
Well, I didn't want to be rude tt day when this happened coz I was already very up set so if I were to go over there and speak to you, you may get angry.. not just up set.. so I decided to take a photo of the 'example' you showed.. but i guess you saw me taking your photo? coz after you took your child away and came back a few min laterwithout her wearing her shoes anymore..
That doesn't mean you are off the hook.. you are suppose to teach your child to obey the rules.. not break them.. who ever says "rules are to be broken" is an idiot! coz when the rules are broken and it hurts someone you love.. then you'll know rules are important.. some rules are harmless, like this one.. but our children starts to learn to obey from these simple and harmless rules right?
i know perhaps poshing the photo with your face in it would be unethical.. so I only posh this one where your face was blocked by your child.. when you quickly grab your child out of there.. so I don't think anyone will know who you are.. only my close family and friends really reads my blog anyway.. the rest are just here to say hi..
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
我還是我 I AM WHO I AM by Namewee 黃明志好好野專輯主打
I don't know why.. but listening to this song made my cry.. is it sad? is it frustration? is it hope? is it loneliness? is it despair? I don't know..
I do not like his use of foul language but I think his view is very relevant.. His method could be too direct and offensive but we got to admit tt he got a point! I will not be surprise that one day he could be one of our political leaders.. if he learns to tone down his swearing and curshing, have more self-control, more ppl will think he is mature enough to voice for the people... especially the younger generation.. I wished that he would know God, know Jesus... and perhaps he will know how to approach these matters and issues more wisely.. Coz he got the guts to!!
ON another note...
"I am who I am".. :) Like how God tell Mosses how to introduce God to His ppl ler.. ahahaha in the old testi when God appeared to Mosses.. (Exodus 3:14).. I'm not saying he is God, i'm just saying the title of his song sounds like wht the Bible says..
"I am not I AM, but I know who is I AM.."-- heard it from a preacher :D make sense???
Saturday, September 18, 2010
What's for lunch?
Friday, September 17, 2010
Quote of the day...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Melissa... Just hanging around... ahahaha...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Buka Puasa session with (Christ) family...
The best comment on the day was when Sharon ask Logan to go and said, " You never studied Chinese book.." (in Mandarin) LOL.. means that he never learn mandarin and dunno how to be courteous as it was late d... but the way she said it was sooo funny.. akekeke...
Food food food!!! wonderful food!!! Sharon and Han Then did not eat much :P I as usual took quite a lot akekekeke... I love air bandung.. hhhmm... so refreshing..
Doesn't look like a lot but we can't even finish the whole thing...
Here we are getting ready to EAT!!!.. Daisy and Minie are also waiting :D
Monday, September 13, 2010
Hey Soul Sister!!!
As to the meaning, I think he is just being happy because he found someone just like him. Someone who he can be himself around and someone who makes him feel good about the way he is :) it's love
Sunday, September 12, 2010
My fav Pic in the month of August... .
Friday, September 10, 2010
It's Raya!!!! Yea!!!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
My breakfast!!!! :D happy happy happy!!!~~~
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I love salads!!!!
This bowl below i had it on Sunday morning for breakfast and for tea :D i love fresh veggies with potatoes, tomatoes and corns... yummy~~~ warm and cold veggies mix together in Thousand island dressing.. This time i add some celery ahehehe... since i got a lot still from Saturday's fruit salad..
The only person I know that would appreciate the same love for salad with me would be Han Then.. I think if she is my neighbour... we'll have salad almost everyday!!! of course some salad have grill chicken or other meat geh so we could really try out all kinds of salads...
Monday, September 6, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010
Home made chicken nuggets for Alexander :D
Alexander and the doggies :D
The other day we found them playing catch LOL... when Alexander was running away from Minie while she was chasing him around our coffee table.. Alexander was laughing hilariously and screaming with excitement.. While Daisy (the doggie in white) is the big sister.. she would give Alexander a sniff (a kiss) on the cheek once a while.. Daisy dun play with Alexander tt much, but would show affection when ever we come home..
I know some of you must be freaking out coz they sleep so close to each other.. the fur and all.. I just find it cute so I took this picture to remind Alexander next time tt his doggies loves to hv afternoon naps with him..
And btw, the doggies went on the couch on their own :P
Friday, September 3, 2010
Frustration explosion!!!
Some of us will just bla it out; while some will write it out in their blog or facebook; Some will call someone and complain about it and seek advice (may be?); some would just keep it to themselves etc...
I have come to a point where when I'm frustrated, I'll keep it to myself.. I hope I'll keep it for a while and then deal with it coz if I keep it too long.. it will be too much for me to handle if it happens again.. I will explode! (cool cool!~~~ breath breath~~)
I would normally pray (most of the time perhaps talking to myself.. not praying.. just thinking out loud..) but sometimes I don't an ans for the things that troubles me.. and that would make me continue to wonder what should I do.. then I'll continue to pray and hope to find an ans.. to confront, to keep quiet, to say my mind, to just seek other's advise..wht? haih..
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Let's be fair... so wht does a guy looks for lar??
1) Devotion (a REAL man will chase a girl who chases after God. Devoted to Christ and the plans He has for her.)
2) Wisdom (young women who has the ability to discern and make good decisions.)
3) Encouragement (a women who believes in him and will be a regular source of strength and encouragement.)
Do I fit the bill, honey?? :P