Tuesday, July 1, 2008

1st of July... BB up dates???

Went for a check up!!! It was a long wait but it was worth it :)
Let me share with you what we found out during this trip to our Doctor.
The first surprise... I have gain so much weight!!! especially this week!!!
LAst week i was only 54kg.. and just after 1 week.. I have gain 3.7kg!! geng geng geng!!!!
Here is our Doctor's office and of course tt's his name on the door :)
He is also a full time lecturer in HUKM.. cool huh?
This is what we call "Practice what you teach." :P

Please tell me you know who this is... ahahaha

Our kind doctor is kind enough to allow us to take some photos in his clinic..

This is his hand using the ultrasound :)

Can you see bb's spine?

Doctor Paul is pointing on bb's head and how it is connected to the spine..

Everything is well with bb :)

Second surprise.. I saw bb yawned!!! Its sooooo cuteeeee!!!!

S/he yawned like daddy... ahahaha... and I got to see it at the right moment..

So priceless; So wonderful..

Obviously, tt's me.. trying to look at the ultrasound :)

I got some more photo on the check up :) shall share it later next week..

Hope you have enjoyed the up date..!!!

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