Monday, December 14, 2009

Obedience again...

For the past few weeks I keep reading and been listening to the same message..
I am still thinking and praying to seek God and see that this message for me or others.. As far as I know I have been obeying as close as I possibly could with God.. but still I will look into the mirror and do a stock take of my life before I jumping into any conclusions or even say that it is for another..
Which passage I have been reading ah? Ok lar.. I share with you some of the passage..
Malachi chap 1 and 2 (finished the whole book d)
Isaiah chap 1 and 2 (in the process of reading the book.. )
Eccelsiates last few verses
(Something about Fear God, Just do what he tells us to do...)
Some from 2 Corinthians chap 6.. (I think)
If you get to read it.. please tell me how it would relate to me... or any message u receive from God on this that you think it could be for me..

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