Monday, April 16, 2007

Tears to my eyes...

Was reading about a story of how a girl lost her legs and her father when a bomb struck her home in Bosnia. It brought back a sad memory tt i have read in the local news paper about a father and son.

I saw 3 pictures in the news paper that captured my eyes. 3 very heart breaking pictures i will never ever forget.

Its was about a gun flight between 2 parties and as you may have guessed the father and son was "in between" the gun flight. First Picture, Father and son hugging each other in fright; father and son crying fearing for thier life. Second Picture, Father raised his hand to plead the shotters to stop as they are in danger; pleading... begging. Third Piture, father and son's body laying dead on the same spot.

I can never forget the face of that man. His face shows deep sadness and pain; in fear of not only his own life but the life of his dear son. His tears on his face broke my heart, his eyes was red and teary.

War is real. Many people have great and wonderful lives but they throw it away for thrills and wasted thier lives on drugs, discos, alchohol and prostitution. For some having to live, just being alive is more precious than gold.

"Love is like wildflowers. Its often found in the most unlikely places." ~H. Jackson Brown,

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