Wednesday, January 15, 2014


My little girl's fav food.. Another fav food for hers is plain white rice.. Not very healthy and it's very fattening LOL but she is my little girl and I like the same thing XD and I think it's fine.. 

As I grow older, when I started work actually, I fell in love with salads.. Hmmm.. I love making salads for my lunch and dinner.. I like having my breakfast heavy.. So if I do hv salad for breakfast, it will be with the 3Bs- bread butter and bacon :) 

Enjoy ur day everyone.. I enjoyed mine by cooking yesterday, cooking simple dishes for the family. Oh and he list of things I need to do.. Will be able to do it during this long weekend.. :) I plan to also go and watch lion dance with my family this weekend.. Hehehe CNY! Here we come!! 

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